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Read, discuss and contemplate the less discussed, yet much-concerned topics and sections in the educational sector.

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Turn the Pandemic Blues into A Lemonade of Opportunities: Paving the Teacher-preneur Way

As a platform that works consistently to support the teacher community, we urge teachers to develop and explore the possibilities of the entrepreneurial mindset.

Binu Joseph 18 June 2021
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Recent Blog

Binu Joseph 14 June 2021
How COVID-19 Hit the Community of Teachers

As the saying goes - ‘Matha Pitha Guru Deivam’, in Indian culture, we consider our teachers as equals to Gods as they are the ones who have introduced and guided us to the wisdom of knowledge.

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Binu Joseph 11 June 2021
Educational Institutions and Covid-19: the Reality

COVID-19 has forced the schools to shut down and has taken the whole education system online. There was a huge shift in the lives of students, teachers, parents and institution management and they are still finding it difficult to adapt to the present situations.

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Binu Joseph 31 May 2021
Moulding the Next Generation Teacher-preneurs

We believe in people and their skills. Eras Teachers is working towards transforming teachers into entrepreneurs and equipping them with knowledge and courage to instill the seeds of problem-solving skills in the students as well.

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