Binu Joseph 11 June 2021

Educational Institutions and Covid-19: the Reality

Education is essential for our kids and the last thing you want is your kid to be ignorant. COVID-19 has forced the schools to shut down and has taken the whole education system online. There was a huge shift in the lives of students, teachers, parents and institution management and they are still finding it difficult to adapt to the present situations.

In this scenario, I would like to address some concerns educational institutions and management face. As a person who interacts with the community of educators and students regularly, I can vouch for the struggle the managements are going through to keep their schools afloat these days.

As the classes are online and the students no longer go to schools, parents get the notion that the expenses are considerably reduced and the management is overcharging them with the fee. Some of the parents disagree to pay the whole fee or are demanding a cut. But here is a thing we all forget; the management is working tirelessly and consistently to improve the quality of education and infrastructure facilities for the well-being of the students whom you have entrusted them with.

Even during these tough times, they have to meet the expenses like the teachers’ salary, the building and vehicle maintenance, and many other prices you might not even have heard about. So before completely judging the management and denying the fee, please do understand that they are trying to enhance and ensure the quality of education and amenities they offer to your child every year.

We cannot deny our children education and we cannot deny the management the fees which they use to provide our children with quality education. Please do understand the concerns and let’s together take a decision to help managements to survive during these tough times. Let’s help each other and hope for a better tomorrow.

Binu Joseph
Managing Director
Eras Teachers Pvt Ltd

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